Second Windfarm Initiatives
Windpark Vader Piet is operational since December 2009. Only after a year of integrating the output of the Vader Piet turbines in Aruba’s energy system, WEB Aruba, Utilities Holding and the Government were already positive to realize a second windfarm in order to further increase wind generated energy in the energy mix of Aruba. The Dutch recognized engineering firm KEMA – advisor to WEB Aruba since years – was asked to study the technical feasibility and to advise on the most suitable location for a second line of wind turbines. These studies pointed out that it had some specific benefits to realize the second windfarm at the north side of the island, because it would minimize the cost of spinning reserve needed to balance the grid. Before next steps were taken the envisaged project (location Urirama) was discussed in Aruba’s parliament. Although the project was approved, some members of parliament requested to consider skipping the two turbines nearest to the Alto Vista chapel. Hence, the project was reduced to 8 in stead of 10 wind turbines. Subsequently a power purchase agreement was signed and the hindrance license was granted. However, nearby citizens objected and wanted the hindrance license as issued by the Aruban Government to be withdrawn. Legal procedures started in 2014. In June 2018 the newly elected Aruban Government decided to withdraw the hindrance license
voluntarily, while the objecting citizens withdraw their objections accordingly. It ended the legal procedure between them, but at the same time a new dispute – now between the Aruban Government and the beneficiary of the hindrance license Windpark Urirama NV – was born. In various documents which were exchanged the Government communicated that it wanted to settle the dispute by way of offering an alternative location which was exactly the solution Windpark Urirama NV had and has in mind. The Government however, never really suited it’s actions to it’s words. In good faith of government intentions Windpark Vader Piet started negotiations with WEB Aruba which led to a ready to sign agreement for a Letter of Intent in June 2022. The LOI dealt with the envisaged increase of wind energy and the various steps to get to a 50% renewable energy share. When asked for approval WEB’s supervisory board / shareholder stepped away from the LOI. Weeks later Utilities Holding issued a request to forward an expression of interest (EOI) for realizing a new windfarm at Rincon near Vader Piet. Dead line for subscriptions: October 15, 2022. Besides the public announcement of the various parties who subscribed, no further steps have been communicated since. Given the huge potential wind energy has for Aruba we can only advise the Aruban people to ensure you benefit from your own unique winds as energy source.